and its hidden gems
I’m sure you’ll agree that good food ought to be savoured at leisure in good company…
But we want to take your culinary experience that little bit further, back to our roots, because Tossa’s cuisine has its own particularities, some of which might surprise you.

What would you say if we told you our stuffed squid contain chocolate?
Chocolate was one of the ingredients introduced here through trade with The Americas, and which our ancestors incorporated into a number of local recipes. Products imported from overseas, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and avocados, are widely used in most dishes. And so is chocolate, though it is most commonly used in desserts. In Tossa, dark chocolate is used in the “picada” sauces in several seafood and Sea and Mountain dishes, such as stuffed squid and Tossa-style meatballs.

What do you know about ‘boat dishes’?
One of our most traditional dishes is a ‘boat dish’.
Tossa’s seafaring origins have left us the legacy of boat cuisine, prepared on board the trawlers and the teranyines (local night fishing vessels) when fishers had to spend long hours at sea.
One of the boat dishes with the strongest ties to the fishers of Tossa is “cim i tomba”, which, having been prepared by generations of seafarers, can now be found on the Vila’s restaurant menus as a local speciality

Tossa’s cuisine
Tossa’s cuisine is clearly marked by the characteristics of the territory, between the sea and the mountains, but its constant evolution has been the result of the passage of time and the influence of different cultures.
Home cooking was traditionally passed down from mothers to daughters, but culinary knowledge was also passed down from skippers to young sailors, and from group leaders to young colliers, as both groups spent long hours far from home and had to procure and prepare their own food.
The combination of products from the sea and the land and the way each of these groups prepared them have made Tossa’s cuisine what it is today: a fish-based cuisine, in which vegetables, fruit, pulses, and meat also play an important role; often cooked in casseroles with “picada” sauce, which gives them their characteristic flavour.

In Tossa you’ll find countless ways to enjoy the finest gastronomy.
by Marc Chagall’s Blue Paradise
the best of the Mediterranean gastronomy
of Tossa you can’t miss