Socors street
This chapel has a seafaring origin. It was apparently commissioned by a sailor called Antoni Caixa as a votive offering to Our Lady of Bon Secours for her intervention in saving him from a shipwreck. Its location on the site of the old boundary cross and next to the crossroads of the road to Lloret and the way to the place known as Sa Carbonera, used to be originally a lonely place, only surrounded by orchards and relatively away from the entrance to the walled town. But it progressively became a place of expansion for the town.
The building is the result of several works carried out throughout the years, the most important of which is the one dated back in the 18th century.
There are many feasts and traditions linked to this chapel, such as the feast of Our Lady of Bon Secours, on the 2nd July, when the traditional “toquen a córrer” is danced; or legends such as the one known as “Xixanet and the half-cane”, telling the story of Our Lady of Bon Secours’ miracle, when she saved a child from the devil’s clutches in answer to his mother’s entreaties.
Tossa’s Pilgrim (El Pelegrí de Tossa), is the main figure in a civic and religious local tradition that goes back to the 15th century. Every 20th January the Pilgrim departs from this chapel in a pilgrimage to the village of Sta. Coloma de Farners to fulfil a village’s vow to Saint Sebastian for having saved its population from the plague. The pilgrimage finishes the next day when Tossa’s Pilgrim, and all those people who have accompanied him, arrive back to town having kept once more this ancestral promise.